Your Child's Analytical Report

SEL In A New Lens

- Eye tracking correlation: In bedtime story, the child's eye gaze vs. the attraction movements on the screen is tracked. A higher correlation indicates higher ability to focus and lower chance of autism. 
- Speed to focus: In story book, the time it takes the child to find the main subject on the screen. Less time indicates speed of processing the natural language and ability to focus.
- Audio summary: The picture we used is part of CAT-A standard card. You can listen to how your child responds to an open-ended theme without any directional intervention. 
- Emotion recognition analysis:  The score indicates a) how well the child recognize human emotions; b) the child's preference between objects and human facial expression and ability to recognize shapes; c) the child's preference between objects and human facial expression with complex background noise.
- We provided the median and range for neural-typical group in the same age for your reference. Any single out-of-range statistic doesn't mean neural-atypical. We recommend parents to reach out professionals for further diagnose if multiple out of-range categories show persistently.

Eye Gaze Correlation

Correlation with moving traction points 




Scan Path Skipping


Void Data Frequency


Area of Interesting Heat Map Analysis


Speed to Focus


Level I

Include simple story pictures


Level II

Include intermediate story pictures with background


Level III

Include complex story pictures with multiple figures


Level IV

Include complex story pictures with noise information

Audio Summary

Press the button below to hear the audio recording of the story told by your child when each image is given


Tell A Story


Tell A Story


Tell A Story


Tell A Story


Tell A Story

Social Skills Game Analysis

Emotional Recognition Game - Latest Results


Emotional Recognition Game - 20 Attempts Average


I Spy with My Little Eye - 3 Attempts Average 


I Spy with My Little Eye II - 3 Attempts Average


What Do You See - Latest Results (We use eye gaze data to analyze their social skill development)


We leverage eye gaze scan path and our proprietary machine learning models to calculate the range for specific age group.  Research shows that eye gaze scan path is an important bio-mark information in detect ASD risks.
If you consistently see multiple results (4+ sub-categories) out of range over a period of 20+ play sessions, we recommend to discussion with your child's professional care team for further evaluation.

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